Overcoming Catastrophic Thinking - From Disaster to Reality

Overcoming Catastrophic Thinking

Ever find yourself spiraling into the worst-case scenario, convinced disaster is around the corner? This is catastrophic thinking - when your brain focuses on what could go wrong instead of what’s likely to go right. But with practice, you can rewire your thoughts to see the bigger picture.

What is Catastrophic Thinking?

When you think the worst. For example, "if I make one mistake at work, I’ll be fired and never get another job."

Why Do We Catastrophize?

Blame a little part of your brain, called the amygdala, which is wired to detect threats. But sometimes, it gets so creative and sees threats that aren’t there.

How to Challenge Catastrophic Thinking

Try to reframe your catastrophic thoughts into more reasonable ones. For example, a reframe would be:

Instead of thinking: "If I fail my test, I’ll ruin my future."

Reframe: "I can retake the test, and one bad grade won’t ruin my career."

Now you try: Practical Exercises

  • Write down a recent catastrophic thought.
  • Challenge it by listing the evidence for that terrible thought and then brainstorm for three more likely outcomes.

Remember, do your best to be truthful in your "reframe" so that you could believe your new thoughts.


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